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Quizes-About self Empty Quizes-About self

Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:50 pm
A past post & others. Un post pasado & otros. https://translate.google.com
Me etiqueto Ana Victoria/Lix. en una de muchas preguntas que yo e visto @.@
Conociendo a: Max G.
Nacimiento: 21 de Octubre,92
Reglas: Una vez etiquetado tienes que hacer el tuyo Elige a 20 víctimas Tienes que etiquetar al que te etiqueto a ti. Si yo te etiqueto es porque quiero saber mas de ti...
01-¿Última llamada?
hace mucho.
02-Como va el dia? Bien
03-¿Último mensaje?
los mios no terminan xP
04-¿Última canción que escuchaste?
Sangoloteadito-Joan Sebastian Cumbia! xb
05-¿Última vez que lloraste?
los hombres no lloran @.@
06-¿Regresarías con tu ex?
No tengo ni uno en realidad
07-¿Has deseado estar con alguien prohibido?
08-¿Has besado a alguien y haberlo lamentado?
09-¿Has perdido a alguien especial?
no creo(fue antes)..en 2021 mi ex de larga distancia de mala suerte..y ya no hablamos igual..
10-¿Has estado deprimido?
Pos a lo que se, no
11-¿Has estado borracha/o y vomitado?
Menos, no
12-¿Tus tres colores favoritos?
Rojo, verde y azul
13-¿Has conocido a alguien que valga la pena?
Muchos jaja
14-¿Te has enamorado?
Por online si cuenta xP
15-¿Has dejado de ver a alguien?
Por online.
16-¿Chocolate o helado?
Me conformo con sabritas y soda de naranja xd
17-¿Has descubierto quienes son tus verdaderos amigos?
Si, hay van
18-¿Tienes amores platónicos?
19-¿Besado a alguien de tu lista de amigos de face?
20-¿A cuántas personas de tu face conoces en persona?
No muchos.
21-¿Cuantos hijos deseas tener?
lo mas que se pueda o quieran xP
22-¿Tienes alguna mascota?
no son mias
23-¿Quieres cambiar tu nombre?
24-¿Qué hiciste en tu último cumpleaños?
jugando kid Icarus 3ds
25-¿A qué hora te levantas normalmente?
Como a las 8am en un sabado 5-7 cuando hay trabajo
26-¿Que hacías ayer a media noche?
27-¿Algo que no puedas esperar?
Si, de finalmente acabar el fil...
28-¿La última vez que viste a tu padres?
hoyy xb
29-¿Algo que te gustaría cambiar en tu vida?
Me quiero mover algun lado.
30-¿Tu mayor miedo?
No ver.
31-¿Alguna vez has hablado con alguien sin palabras?
Casi siempre texto xP
33-¿Pagina más visitada?
Fb y Youtube
34-¿Cuál es tu verdadero nombre?
Ehh, solo si me conoses asi
35-¿Apodos, sobrenombres?
No tengo
36-¿Signo del zodiaco?.
37-¿Que te molesta en estos momentos?
Nada, pero seria amable si mensejieran primero mas xd
horita no .-.
39-¿Algo que extrañas?
Mi almohada xd pero si me gusta descansar
40-¿Color y forma de cabello actual?
41-¿A quién extrañas?
Te dije, mi almoha-no se xP
42-¿Color de ojos?
Cafes Ozcuros(:
43-¿Sabes conducir?
Si, hasta tengo mi licensia
45-¿Tienes novia/o?
47-¿Diestro o zurdo?
48-¿Te han operado?
49-¿Primera perforación?
50-¿Primer amigo de verdad?
Un amigo
52-¿Película favorita?
La Isla nunca pasa de moda, dije yo u.u
53-¿Deporte favorito?
Cualquiera menos los que no se bien
54-¿Comida favorita?
Taco Bell Tacoss
55-¿Canciones favoritas?
De Los Mismos(Cumbia) y Go:Audio(Pop Punk)
56-¿Estas a punto de?
57-¿Quieres tener hijos?
quisiera muchos pero solo dios sabe xd
"Dreams are but a figment of your imagination. Only you, can decide the approximation to concentration of life"-7Mxg "Los suenos no son mas que un producto de tu imaginacion. Solo tu, puedes decidir la aproximacion en concentracion de la vida"-7Mxg ""Los héroes nunca mueren en vano" -Zilong/Zhao Yun Mobile Legends
"Trae al resto de tu equipo..Esperaré" -Jarvan IV Wild Rift
"El miedo no sirve para nada... Lo que hace falta es Confianza" -Y!A Dj52.
"Y al final todo lo que aprendí fue cómo ser fuerte solo" -Highway Heart. "Los adultos son tan aburridos. No quiero crecer" -Lydia MLBB. "No camines detrás de mí, puede que no dirija. No camines delante de mí, puede que no te siga. Solo camina a mi lado y sé mi amigo" -Albert Camus.No te dejes vencer, que en la vida se nos abren muchas puertas cada dia. Confia en ti mismo y alcanzaras todas tus metas. La decision esta en ti-Anon N/A.Un remordimiento ldr(relacion de larga distancia) significativo para recordar "A noche me fui a la cama, por la mañana comí, extrañe bds(buen dias), bns(buenas noches), historias que olvidamos (desde el 19/2/12-17/5/20) Saltarme el almuerzo en la mediana edad. La cena se sintió mal como días pasó volando. Paciencia por una mejor mañana, así lo creía. Recordando pensamientos de ser una carga para mí mismo. (Vocational Entrenamiento Tiempos 6/2/15-3/14/20) Nuestros buenos tiempos alegres pasados..preguntándonos cuándo nos veremos cruzar los caminos de los demás una vez más..sin embargo, un evento triste de ese día, voló esos planes. (17/5/20 o 6/12/21) fue nuestra última toma" -7Mxg xctz.forumotion.com/t33-quizes-about-self Matthew 27:3-5.Salmo 90:10.Juan 15:13  facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064809292147
60-¿Labios u ojos?
61-¿Abrazos o besos?
si podria con una, ambos
62-¿Más pequeño/a o alto/a que tú?
mas o menos xd
63-¿De tú edad, más grandes o jóvenes?
edad o joven
64-¿Románticas/o u espontáneas/os?
Ambos xD
65-¿Lugar ideal para una cita?
Taco Bell *-* jaja o que sea xP
66-¿Amorío o relación seria?
67-¿Estomago o brazos?
68-¿Has besado algún extraña/o?
69-¿Bebido licor?.
70-¿Tiempo máximo sin dormir?
Todo dia y noche en los Nuevo Años
71-¿Has robado?
Antes, monedas .-. ya no
72-¿Has sido arrestada/o?
73-¿Rechazado a alguien?
Una ves, que me preguntaron.
74-¿Has llorado cuando alguien cercano a ti muere?
75-¿Enamorado de un o una amigo/a?
76.Favorita afficion?
Dibujando, mirando YT 7Mxg o leyendo manga
77-¿Amor a primera vista?
Pos no se sabe
78-¿Besos en la primera cita?
Dependaria pero no se ve bien si te estan probando
79-¿Crees en Dios?
80-¿Has tenido más de un novia/o a la vez?
81-¿Has hecho algo ilegal?
82-¿Has ido a fiestas sin permiso?
83-¿Has probado drogas?
84-¿Les has mentido a tus padres?
No me acuerdo
85-¿Darías tu vida por alguien?
Despues que tenga hijos xd
86-¿Odias a alguien?
ya era todo al fin xd lean si quieren
Etiqueto a: la otra Ana L. (no te creas x) Nohemy F. Erika I. Nieto Z. MaRy R. Soy D. XD y pos ya hice mi parte. Han la suya si quieren xd --Friendproject Nekorikirawrr,revengefuelled,ella misery ✯'s~Get2know me
A) What does the last text you sent say? & to whom?
Anon shoutout in Askfm:I keep attracting haters, universe dislikes me, what should I do, how to break constant bad omens? Name me a city full of happy ppl to move there😕
B) What does the last text you recieved say? & from whom? Apeshitz: Welcome to askfm..haters inbreeding grounds. City full of happy ppl🤔Not on this planet
C) What time do you wake up most mornings?
now that its summer? Still instinctively 6A~9P PT similar to like I did on 2019-2016 jobs but long a** unemployment & the benefits ran out,yet,medicare re-activated itself but they canceled my ebt..weird how the system works, isnt it?
D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night? No, I was homeless once..technically, locked myself out of a 96 Automatic Van..I didnt knew Insurance Agents helped unlock it w/a Slim Jim.Fortunately, had my backpack with phone charger & all.I still love CA LA ngl.
E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? Sleep,nap..yeah-sleep.
F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom?
Parents still & dont remember exact days, who'd keep track of those?
G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?Sporadically, if they fight me & we same height or they shorter, I'll fight back
H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so?
Not content w/unemployment, just shows the suburb economy was never organized from the start.Politicians did jack sh*t to improve it.No light rail to beaches nor online legitimate work yet.
I) Do you often pick up on double entendres & innuendos? Sarcasms sometimes
J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined?
I wasn't really offerred, I was jc to see what crystals looked like in a ziplock, a cousin of mine had. Its weird, because they looked like white Quartz crystals.
K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?
2020 ppl & media that talked about covid being a big deal,scarying ppl into lockdowns pissed me off.I haven't recovered since.
L) Have you ever been offered drugs & accepted?
I take homemade almond warm Primo machine water milk(Flask if travel),vitamins & my calcium from my Glucerna(Maybe consider Grn Peanutbtr Musclesportlean like Stoltman diet or Strawberry Fortress whey)
M) Tell us something weird that turns you on.
Gaslighting for fun & Sadomasochism rs when the woman is the dom one on male but as long as no weapons are used.
N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual?
Its always temporary, they dont want to cling like my ldr ex did(never met in rl).Sometimes miss her, but is a big 💔 more, finding out myself that she passed away from some unknown tragic accident(possibly knee injury worsen around her~25 bday) in 2021.She used to work for Sephora & followed a blue jay bird of hope movement at heart as she cared for many.
O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? Finding ways to find my future gf,idk who she may be.
P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation?
I feel like this usually happen on later stages of a rs,like 3rd year kind.Sometimes they go w/someone out of curiousity, they would block,do naughty things w/their crush & then just gets hard for you to forgive.That was the situation I was in & Im sorry, but I cant understand them if they always like flaunting pictures of their exs at you for life that way..
Q) Do you usually initiate hugs?
I cant, I always think the woman has to unless they tell me is ok too
R) Are you a very affectionate person?
I always try,even when the glimmer of hope has faded, I persue rs goals w/out feeling too jaded.
S) Can you roll your own cigarettes?
Dont smoke, dont roll, thats how I stroll😉
T) What are you looking forward to? Heard
Harajuku alice glass concert was nice. So is Lafc,Coachella,Forum,MardiGras,Sonora(Heritage station),Foo fighter concerts.
U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more?
I dont, if I did, maybe of Goddess Nyx in an art style I like(Or my drawing but improved)
V) Are you mentally strong?
I dont believe in mental illnesses until Im 60ish.
W) Are you physically strong? I tried to be in the past,6 pack never came to be sadly 
X) Do you think you’re a good person?
I can be good or bad, which side you'd like to see?
Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now.
I want to be taken by a cute single girl.
Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Cereal still🙂 When's the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Hire another to do intrntmshrm on 6/16/23
Do you have a crush on someone? I have several ask.fm/iMaxGz
What are you doing tonight? 💤🌟🌙💫
Describe life in one word:
Painful (Suburbs if 2nd)
What happened at 10:00A am today? Sketched What year were you born? 
1992 my favorite years I'd
What holiday is closest to your birthday?
295th day in the Gregorian calendar.
What is your name if you spell it without the letters "e" "y" & "t"? Still same.
If you named a band after your birth-month & your pet, what would it be? Octos(No Pet)
Who is your 9th contact in your phone? N/A
Have you had your birthday yet this year?
Not yet
How old will you be in 5 years? Dont talk about
How about in 20 years?Who knows
Where was the last place you went? 6225 Colony Walmart
Do you have a twin?
Hope I have dopplegangers with better lives than me
What was the last movie you watched? Host 06
Are you afraid of shots?
I dislike the ones that require alot(Tdap every10y & Prevnar20 dont mind), havent taken covid shot. I'll consider for $1million.
What color are the walls of the room you are in? White w/front sealed window
How many letters are in your middle name? 8
Is your last name longer than 6 letters long? 6
If you were in an accident, would you rather lose a hand or an ear? How about neither? Robot hand would be neat to get rid of carpal tunnel but surgical & debth risks involved.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color?
Heard some bleach dye it, green get common, blue/purple & pink may turn green & orange.I snapchat fx a red highlight if counts.
If a gorilla & a horse had a baby, what would the new creature be called? Horilla or Gorsilla
Does anyone call you baby?
Nope, no gf yet.
Regular Cheetos or hot? Pizza flavored Cheetos
How's your heart lately?
Surviving Physically or emotionally?
Physically: Normal
Emotionally: Im part Emo T.\\
Favorite fruit
Mangos, Pears & Avocado
Do you have a piercing?
No I dislike those,rather have black/platinum spiky double chain choker & on wrists if I could.
Do you wear the hood from your hoodie? No, I like my 90/80s medium sized wavy hair. Only wear when i'm cold or raining.
How long does it take for you to take a shower?
15 min or less.
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or 2 best friends? I'd like a large group of friends but its usually been ~2, now may be or could be 1,suburbs..what can I do? I miss CA LA..
Whose birthday is coming up? My dad's bday around mid of Aug, hardest worker I know.Agriculture & Labor is draining work.
Favorite charm? A Jaded stone amulet I got from Venice beach.
​​What is wrong with you right now? Im single, never dated in rl & I can only relate with friends & maybe parents but not always..I love lightrail cities but..we stuck in a suburb,I could drive but cant see a good future that way
Your fav feature about yourself? My personality:Caring,determined,productive,organized & a comprehensive researcher that yearns for knowledge
Do you care what others think about you? Always, I try to be at my best, dont ruin my rep. But at the same time, you cant satisfy everyone & thats just life.
Do think you'll be married in 10 years? Depends on my future gf, need to find her
Are you afraid of the dark?
Nah, embrace it, lights on my face are a pain..street city lights should be replaced w/nightvision cameras to stargaze again
Do you like your life at the moment? Nope..not since 2020+ lockdowns happend.I say ban lockdowns forever & 6' apart was useless along with its vacs.
Where were you last night?
What kind of shirt are you wearing? I have a 192.7 kissfm Wango Tango shirt 6/3/18.One of the 1st to work Ushering in Lafc & still got my employee booklet & badge to prove it.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you? Im a hopeless romantic. I can give what I can take, even if it means for a day, I cant help it..kindof lonesome tbh.
What are you afraid of the most? It was being gfless from the start & I cant do anything about it..I'm basically just living until I either get my girl or until my time ends to roam around🌎in the afterlife..Important Meaningful Memorials & Diaries:acolumbinesite.com racheljoyscott.tumblr.com/post/152922771175/racheljoyscott-part-2-one-oftosavealife.com/faith/inspiration/rachel-scott-im-not-ashamed/ Feedback about Niv or any bible: Its good, just not perfect. Like the old testament has few historical accurate mistakes that may have passed onto the new testament still. I dont consider 'Noah's Ark' to have been true nor Moses being a Jew at a Pharaoh's time period since Egypts deny that & if Moses did exist, maybe around Seti's time period. I do keep track of verses, favorite ones being: Matthew 27:3-5.Psalms 90:10.Phillippians 4:13.[Other verses better left out than to talk about be like: (openbibleinfo search 'brother')Hebrew & 1 John 2:11,1 John 4:20, 2 Corinthians 7:10 sometimes feels nonsense,just doesnt resonate with me all the time]. However, John 15:13 is the most impactful of all. Compassion defined by one with an amazing soul, caring for others. Rachel's drawing was the best portayal of it. tumblr.com/racheljoyscott/167364332145/rachels-last-journal-entry-4201999 But because bible changed with time, it wasn't perfect in the beginning. The old testament has few historical accurate mistakes that may have passed onto the new testament still. I dont consider 'Noah's Ark' to have been true nor Moses being a Jew at a Pharaoh's time period since Egypts deny that & if Moses did exist, maybe around Seti's time period.They did have diff Povs but Jesus' one wasn't there for some reason. So, if account of Judah's Gospel. Its possibly implied that Jesus asked Judas to betray him to the authorities, so that he could be freed from his physical body & fulfill his destiny of saving humanity, potential legacy in Obedience. Other Notes: "One of the big issues in Columbine was law enforcement wasn't trained to go after the shooter-Frank DeAngelis BetterProtocol:"Follow the firepower."If they hear shots, they're going to keep moving closer and closer to it until they confront the shooter"-Fbi Brad Garret. Though schools have multiple doors(Req lockable both sides), now they're commonly set up so students only use certain ones to get into the building, setting up a "choke point" that "security people can control as they come into school,"-Brad Garrett said (90% written crisis plan+shtrdrills) abcnews.go.com/amp/US/20-years-columbine-changed-school-shootings-america/story?id=62248885
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