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Aita Moments Empty Aita Moments

Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:55 am
Am I the asshole(Aita) for not wanting to attend funerals?
I know when ones dead means we never get to get a good completely answered closure, as an important life has been cut from us forever in this life. I understand days of solace, grievance, sad, crying & all that being really depressing.
But must one really require to give a special image all the time? It's like in marriage, we spend to get that perfect image, what reason may that be? is it right to have the body long for a vigil? what if their will doesn't want it nor the chemicals to put onto when dead?

Haven't seen these aita threads out here so thought I'd put an example of one in, do share your thoughts & experiences here or my site anytime
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